Thursday 26 June 2014


Luis Suarez given nine-match ban

Uruguay forward Luis Suarez has been banned for nine matches and banned for four months "from any football activity" after biting Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini.

Luis Suarez banned 'from all football activity' for four months

Fifa media relations manager Delia Fischer reads a statement on Luis Suarez: "The player Luis Suarez is suspended for nine matches and banned for four months from any football related activity.
"The Fifa disciplinary committee has decided the player is regarded as having breached article 48 paragraph one and article 57 of the Fifa Disciplinary Code (an act of unsporting behaviour towards another player).
"The player is to be suspended for nine matches, the first is the upcoming match between Uruguay and Colombia on Saturday."
Luis Suarez banned 'from all football activity' for four months
Fifa media relations manager Delia Fischer adds: "An appeal may be lodged by the player and/or Uruguay FA."
  • Luis Suarez banned 'from all football activity' for four months

    Claudio Sulser, chairman of the Fifa Disciplinary Committee, says in a statement: "Such behaviour cannot be tolerated on any football pitch, and in particular not at a FIFA World Cup when the eyes of millions of people are on the stars on the field. The Disciplinary Committee took into account all the factors of the case and the degree of Mr Suarez's guilt in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Code. The decision comes into force as soon it is communicated."
  • Luis Suarez banned 'from all football activity' for four months

    Fifa media relations manager Delia Fischer reiterates that Luis Suarez's four-month ban means he cannot take part in any football activity during that time.
    That means he is unavailable for Liverpool until the start of November. Fischer states she is unsure how the ban affects a potential transfer.

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