Wednesday 25 June 2014


  • In the papers

    Daily Telegraph back page
    "After being caught up in three high-profile biting incidents, even the Uruguay striker's apologists must, surely, now understand that the man needs help," writes Jim White in the Daily Telegraph.
  • In the papers

    Posted at
    Daily Mail back page
    The Daily Mail's Ian Ladyman says: "Suarez now has a culinary crime sheet with three items on it. To the names of PSV's Otman Bakkal (November 2010) and Ivanovic we can now add Italy's hulking great defender Giorgio Chiellini. This time, Suarez has sinned on the greatest stage of them all."
  • In the papers

    Posted at
    Guardian back page
    "Luis Suarez wrote his name into World Cup infamy by biting the Italy defender Giorgio Chiellini towards the end of a dramatic Uruguay win to risk another lengthy suspension of anything up to 24 matches," writes David Hyter in the Guardian.
  • In the papers

    Posted at
    Liverpool Echo back page
    Liverpool Echo's James Pearce says of Luis Suarez: "The fact is he's a genius with the ball at his feet but a deeply flawed one. That insatiable desire to win is both a blessing and a curse."
    La Marca's back page
    Spanish newspaper La Marca asks: "Has Suarez bitten off more than he can chew?"

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